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Madeline's MCU Experience

Madeline's MCU Experience

The moment my husband and I finished watching Endgame, we got the itch to re-watch the entire MCU from the beginning. But our lives were busy and we wanted to space out the viewings. So we hadn’t done it. But when we first started self-isolating this spring, we decided it was finally time to dive back in. This time we were going to include Madeline, our oldest, who had seen parts of a few during our initial watch (I say β€œour” but it was Josh’s. I had seen them several times), so she could experience the entire story.
As we began to watch, I pretty quickly realized that I needed to write down the things she was saying while watching. At first it was just for us to giggle about after each movie, but soon it was obvious that I needed to share with other Marvel fans.
The first couple movies I didn’t write much down as Maren, our youngest, was sick, and I was going through a rough bedtime routine with her while Madeline and her dad watched. So I missed those. But once that passed I started writing down as much as I could.
We watched one movie usually over the course of 2 or 3 days (due to bedtimes). Sometimes she’d be so excited about what was happening she would be really chatty about it, and other times she was so into it she barely talked at all.
We didn’t include the Spider-Man movies because she has watched the first one so many times already and the second we didn’t have a way to watch it.
Now, before we begin, remember, she just turned five, so sometimes her word choices were weird. But I kept it true to what she said.
β€œHe’s Iron Man he’s gonna say it”
<missed this one due to sick baby>
β€œBlack Widow is the best of them. She is a genius! She’s just SO good!”
β€œHe’s still Thor. Even without his hammer, because he’s still a superhero”
β€œHe’s still strong. Stiiiiilll strooong.”
β€œHa! Loki! Thor’s coming back!”
@Loki (with mjolnir on his chest)Β β€œThat hammer’s too strong. Stay there forever!”
β€œI don’t want to watch [him change]. I don’t want to be brave like Captain America. I’m aΒ kid!”
β€œOnce he finds the shield he’s gonna really win.”
β€œHis name isΒ notΒ tinker bell. Why is everybody calling him that?”
β€œHe does not know what he’s doing. He isΒ gonnaΒ getΒ killed”
β€œDoes he always wear a mask so he’s not so scary? Wait, did he look in a mirror when he was a kid?! I’m gonna name him creepy red face.”
β€œSometimes the bad guys win, sometimes the good guys win.”
β€œRed face doesn’t have any helpers. It means he’s not strong enough!”
β€œI love his shield.”
β€œShe’s so good even when she’s not in a real costume” (Black Widow)
β€œWhoa. That move was so cool she just banged his head on the pole!” (Black Widow)
β€œThat’s even better than I thought it was gonna be! The suit just raced down and catched him!” (Iron Man)
β€œThat’s his secret?! I never known he was always angry!”
(Maniacal laughter at hulk beating Loki up)Β β€œIt’s just too funny! Rewind it! I really liked it!”
β€œHulk’s better than all of em!”
β€œI know what’s causing the glitch! It’s maybe Groot! Groot is on the plant.”
β€œWhy does he just talk a few cents out of them and then leave?”
β€œMaybe he needs Hulk’s help? He just walks and walks and walks and never dies. And remember β€˜I’m always angry’ that’s what he said.”
β€œWow that one he made big so he could pick up ANYthing. Even the president.”
(@ Iron man fighting overheated Killian) β€œSpray water! Drop him in the water! Don’t fire MORE! The water! Water! ...he’s too hot.”
*gasp* β€œLoki can’t get out! That’s GREAT!”
β€œHe fighted with him and saved him but then he couldn’t save himself” (Loki)
β€œWhoa! He picked up a car. He’s hulk.”
β€œWait. Where’s the king? Loki!”
β€œWhoa. Those two are VERY good at fighting. Look how cool he is! They are good at fighting”
β€œThat isΒ soΒ duper cool”
β€œI didn’t know it had a secret gun! Oh! That car is drivingΒ itself!”
β€œSmart plan using a gun. But not smart enough!”
β€œI know what they’re after. They’re after his shield! His shield and the thing that looks like information.”
(cap flips the machine gun guy)Β β€œThat was cool. Really really way cool.”
β€œHe can fight Captain America. He has his own arm to protect him”(Bucky)
β€œOnce his face thing was off, Captain America remembered him!”
β€œStan Lee! Stan Lee! Oh I’m so fired”
β€œWhoa she’s a good fighter! What’s her name? ...Black Widow! I knew I knew her! Go back to her when she tricked him I liked it!” (Black Widow in disguise as one of the committee members)
β€œGlad he had a parachute! If he hadn’t had a parachute he would be a flat sandwich. He’d be smashed.” (Falcon)
β€œHe’s starting to remember” *wink*(Bucky)
β€œYep. You’ll know where to find her when danger is near. Cuz she’s Black Widow.”
β€œWhere’s his friend? Where did he go?!” (About Bucky)
β€œRocket squirrel!”
(Spaceship) β€œWhat. is.Β That? Now where is he?!”
(opening titles)”Now there the boy is! Red eyes. Creepy face is what I’m gonna call him.”
β€œI guess those little alien rats are his only friends”
β€œHe doesn’t know about Star Lord haha”
β€œI can’t believe he escaped from Jurassic park!” (About Star Lord)
β€œIt’s Stan Lee it’s Stan Lee! And Rocket! And Groot!!”
β€œHe’s not a raccoon. But he is a raccoon. His name is Rocket.”
β€œGroot does not need any clothes on. Because he’s a plant”
*giggling* β€œGroot’s SO helpful!”
(Quill fumbles and drops the orb) β€œHa! He used it as a bouncy ball on accident”
β€œThat man with that little hood on? He’s goood.”
(While Yondu is threatening to kill Quill) β€œMaybe he will tell him that he went to Jurassic park and teached a dinosaur.”
{Maren is hollering β€œI love groooot!” On repeat until the crash scene and then: β€œoh no! Groot fall off! Bye bye!”}
β€œWhere’s Groot?” (I tell her he died) *giant frowny face, takes a sip of her drink and looks at her sister* β€œMaren, GrootΒ died.”
β€œWhat’s he doing? He’s trying to distract him.” (Quill)
β€œWhy did he grab it?! Why did he use it?!”(Quill)
β€œWhy are they doing that?! Oh they’re stronger together. That’s even stronger than him if he used it on his own.”
(They hand off the orb) β€œNow the stone won’t cause ANY more trouble.”
β€œIf he brought his player in there, everybody would dance”
β€œLook, Groot’s teensy now!”
β€œHulk and Thor are really really really really strong. Both strong. The same strong. Not as strong as a dinosaur.”
β€œI know that Hawkeye’s arrows are magic.”
β€œThey both know technology and they both know how to build but Hulk’s kinda different when he changes.”
β€œOh no he found another infinity stone”
β€œDid you know we just saw that thing crack open and it’s all the infinity stones except the last one. It’s green.”
β€œWhoa he’s super fast how does he do that is that his superpower? I think he’s gonna be Flash.”
β€œHulk and Iron Man are good together and Thor and Hulk are also good together.”
β€œHm. Who’s he? He” (Vision)
β€œWait. I think I know what’s in his head. One infinity stone.”
β€œIf that happened to me I would be so scared.” (Waking up in a strange new body like Vision did)
β€œFury? He came to help? That’s so sweet!”
β€œWhat’s he doing?” (I tell her Banner thinks he’s too dangerous when he’s the Hulk) β€œ...but he’s still a hero.”
β€œOh NO. Those are the places for the gems! Maybe he’s not gonna come for the people, he’s gonna come for the infinity stones!!” (Thanos & the gauntlet)
β€œIt can’t do lambs, humans, or anything!”
β€œI KNEW he was gonna get in it.” (The suit)
β€œHow’s he gonna get back to Cassie?!
He’s doing it! He’s gonna get back to Cassie!!”
β€œThat’s that book that he found. He made up a code and then opened that book. That happened.”
*gasp* β€œI bet his wings are fixed.” (Falcon)
β€œBut they shouldn’t be fighting each other,Β they’re superheroes!!”
β€œWhat are those guys after? I think they know who’s driving that team. It’s THANOS.”
β€œHe just cracked him by the shield he didn’t know he was so strong”
β€œIt’s black widowwwwwoooor someone else”
(Fake flashback of Tony as a kid) β€œWho’s that? It doesn’t look like Iron Man. He’s just dressed like Iron Man and then looks at himself and he’s Iron Man”
β€œBlack Panther! Now they have to fight two persons!”
β€œNow Ant-Man and Black Panther can be together with the Avengers if they start practicing together!”
(Talking about fighting Bucky) β€œHulk would do way better. He’d just throw him out of the building into the water.”
β€œThose guys are good at acting. But how do they make the Hulk guy go green?” (To ease her mind about the violence in the early movies we explained how movies are made and it’s all acting so every once in a while she acknowledges that conversation when she’s talking about stuff)
β€œThat guy is a good hider.”
β€œThere’s only three of them. They need all of them to make it work.” (She wants the Avengers all together)
β€œHe’s sad he killed his parents and now they’re fighting cuz he’s really really really mad.”
β€œHe’s got robot legs” (Rhodes)
*opening titles* β€œI love this”
β€œWhoa. He can’t move his hands much. He’s trying to wash his hands.” (Idea hits her) β€œHe can go to the dentist a little bit so they can brush his teeth for him.”
β€œWhy won’t she teach him? He’s not a jerk.”
β€œThat jacket saved him! It was just a regular jacket and then it was on him and now it’s a super jacket and he’s a superhero!” (It’s a cape, kid. A cape).
*gasp* β€œHe got his own self hurt and now he’s a ghost and he’s gotta get his body back”
β€œWait. Pause it, pause it. When he opened the eye it flashed green and I think I know what it was. An infinity stone! Cuz there are two missing that are yellow and green”
β€œAgain...???” (@Strange during the time loop)
β€œI love how he kept turning on his arm and going back and back and back and” *mimes being impaled*
β€œHe’s dancin’ but not paying attention to nothin’” (Baby Groot)
β€œHaha! He did not do it. SHE did!” (Drax)
β€œLook at that ice face guy. If he got fired he’d be melted”
β€œWait. He designed that whole planet?” (Ego)
β€œThey’re trying to scare him! Why are they trying to scare Groot?!”
β€œOh no! That guy! He went out without his suit”
(Regarding Nebula) β€œIf she pretended to be an Avenger then she would be on their side but she would trick them.” (I swear she had not seen Endgame yet)
β€œHe made his own ball. Now he can play with his friends” (Quill)
β€œHaha! Rocket was the funniest. He had his mouth open and this one really big eye!” (The too many hyper jumps part)
β€œHe’s gonna hit the explode button! I really think he is!” (Groot)
β€œWhy did he DO that?” (Yondu. I tell her he saved Quill) β€œBut nowΒ he’sΒ dead!”
β€œLook momma!Β Fireworks!”
β€œRocket is really sad.”
β€œI know that planet. But I don’t remember the name.” (Asgard)
β€œWhat is she DOING?! She’s freed from her cage.” (Hela)
β€œI bet that wolf is really scaryβ€”how’d Loki get in there?!”
β€œDid you see those three headed guys? There was one body and three heads!”
β€œWhy’s he so grumpy? He has to turn back soon.” (Thor)
β€œI like it when he had hair. I liked his long hair better he looks more like Thor.”
(Referring to Stan Lee) β€œHe wasn’t a creepy old man he’s just an old man.”
*laughs when she sees Hulk* β€œHa! He’s never gonna hurt him. They’re friends, I didn’t know he was coming out. I thought it was just that big wolf”
β€œNo, Hulk won. Why did Thor say that?”
β€œThey’re partnering up!”
β€œThey do know each other they just don’t know it” (Banner & Valkyrie)
β€œHe knows the code! That’s great!” (Loki)
β€œDid you see that? That’s fake! That’s fake of him. Well that’s the real brother he just zapped!” (Loki)
β€œI have a good idea! They could just put that little zappy thing on her and zap her!” (Hela)
β€œHe’s good even without a sword and shield. He’s still got some strength in there.” (Thor)
β€œThe bad guy is right by Stan Lee! If he kills Stan Lee I won’t get to see him in any more of the movies!”
β€œWhoa. I didn’t know she had a wig on! I thought she just had hair.” (Okoye)
β€œI like the one with the big circle lip!”
(T’Challa defeated, disappears over the side of the cliff) *Visibly sad, closest to tears she has been yet* β€œbut. But... now there will be no more Black Panther!”
*So much wordless happiness at seeing him alive.*
β€œOh no. He got one” (infinity stone in the gauntlet)
β€œThey’re both the same strong!” (Thanos & Hulk)
β€œThat’s a GREAT distraction” (Spider Man on bus)
β€œOh no Thanos is after the thing in the green eye”
β€œThey’re going away from earth?!”
β€œWhat are those dead people doing there? Thor!!”
β€œHa! He’s not a rabbit”
β€œOh no! They’re trying to get the stone out of his head!”
β€œShe doesn’t need a suit. She only has her powers.” (Scarlet Witch)
β€œBlack widow! Her hair’s white!”
β€œCaptain America will be happy to see his friend again!”
β€œThose are sewing things. Sewing spikes”
β€œSo sometimes they come save people but sometimes they destroy the planet” (explaining Thanos’ manifesto)
β€œWhat is that eye doing? It’s supposed to be dark. What does that creepy eye do?”
β€œOh! Armor against armor!” (Iron Man vs Thanos)
β€œOnly one? Which one?” (@Doctor Strange’s calculations)
β€œIf they went to a volcano and got a whole bucket of lava they could pour it on Thanos and that would work!”
β€œThat’s red face! I remembered him because he had a red face.”
β€œOnly two people against.... a LOT more”
β€œThat’s... his LAST STONE. Oh. I forgot about that last stone”
β€œI like when they say AH! Ooo! Ooo!” (Wakandans)
β€œThanos. It’s THANOS! I knew it. He poofed in”
β€œWhen he went through that was so cool” (Thanos manipulating the stones against the Avengers)
β€œHe’s rechanging the time!”
β€œHe’sΒ stronger than Thanos! Well his hammer is”
β€œUh oh. He snapped his fingers.”
β€œOh there might be a price.”
β€œUh oh he transported hisself out”
β€œNot the Avengers! ...oh, Thor’s still alive!”
β€œNot Black Panther he’s my favorite!”
β€œOne Avenger might be okay. Hawkeye! He might be okay!”
*very big puppy dog eyes watching Spider-Man dust out*
*gasp at seeing the logo on the beeper* β€œcap...Captain Marvel! I’ve gotta put my Captain Marvel suit on now!”
β€œI know what they do, they pull out some leaves or some feathers when they’re pretending to die. And then they just pull them off stage” (the concept of CGI is lost on her. Low budget remake potential here tho)
β€œWhat is that they’re trying to make? Is that a portal shrinky?”
β€œI like Polly Pocket and Ant-Man because they both shrink down!”
β€œMaybe he had ants in his mouth and they pulled the cards down”
β€œShe has a... shrinkmobile?!”
β€œHe didn’t let him have the mint because it wasn’t mints!”
β€œI didn’t know they were disguised! She knows but I didn’t know.” (Skrulls)
β€œI knew he was pretending!”
β€œWell I didn’t see THAT coming” (Colson not being Colson)
β€œUgggh why are they digging in his tummy?!”
β€œIt’s her. She was the pilot. She crashed”
β€œI’m sad about him. Those skrulls are gonna be sad about their friend”
β€œShe’s gonna blast that ship!”
β€œShe’s gonna PUNCH him”
β€œDid you see that symbol on that thing?! It was Captain Marvel. They didn’t even see it” (the beeper)
β€œShe’s gonna join the Avengers but she’s gonna be the best one. She’s gonna help them so much”
β€œCaptain Marvel!”
β€œRocket is sad about Groot”
β€œI KNEW it was Ant-Man’s car! Why was he in there for so long?”
(Ant-Man) β€œHe can join the Avengers. They have two more extras! That’s good! Really good. Ant-Man and Captain Marvel!”
β€œWhoa Cassie’s older!”
β€œHe’s Hulk without even being angry anymore!”
β€œHe misses his friend Spider-Man” (Iron Man)
β€œHe gave him tacos! That’s so sweet!”
β€œThor? Thor! He’s naked. He looks... different. If he mowed his beard it would be way better”
β€œHis belly looks way chubbier. He’s been drinking a lot of that beer”
β€œWhy is he trying to kill the old guy?” (Hawkeye)
β€œOw that would hurt. All the air would come out of his neck. Oh he stabbed him. I feel sad for him he’s dead now” (the guy Hawkeye kills)
β€œDid you see Thor’s belly? He’s bigger! Better!”
β€œIt’s Hulk! He’s just the same! But he’s way angrier than him!”
β€œIt’s Thor’s home! His family. He wants to go see his mother before she dies”
β€œWho’s β€˜the chick with the antenna’?”
β€œLoki took the teckarest and they didn’t even know!”
β€œHe can touch it because he’s strongest. But if he was a man it would hurt so bad. Like that girl that touched it and went zzzzzzap and then the other guy held it and then Groot died? That was so sad when Groot died”
β€œWhy are they gonna scam the duplios memberies?” (She means duplicate Nebula)
β€œHe got his hammer back! Wheeeee!”
(Quill dancing) β€œI like this part”
*1970* β€œWhoa that’s waaaay back in time”
β€œI know that’s cap even when he says his name wrong”
β€œIf she sees him that’d be great! But she doesn’t even see him and he’s sad about it. I think he wants to stay there for her. But I thought she died.” (Agent Carter)
β€œIron Man saw a person that he loved and Cap saw a person that he loved. I’m happy about that for them.”
β€œRed face! He’s the one who leaded Thanos to the infinity stone so he’s gonna help them.”
β€œWhatever you love you have to give away”
β€œIt would be Black Widow because he misses his family too much.”
β€œWhy did she have to kill herself?” *starts sobbing*
(We paused the movie to calm her down. The most upset I’ve ever seen her over a movie ever. Cried so hard she started up a nosebleed she had stopped earlier).
*gathered herself together, stopped the nosebleed again, and said we could unpause the movie* β€œSometimes when a movie has emotions I have those emotions too”
β€œShe was better than anyone. Even I loved her”
β€œBut that’s too small of a glove” (for Hulk)
β€œUgh what are those rawr things?” (Alien monster dogs)
β€œYikes. That’s a big sword.”
β€œWhoa. I like it when Thor didn’t have any hair.” (Not a fan of the braided beard)
β€œHow’d he do that?! Maybe the hammer decided on HIM!” (Cap wields mjolnir)
β€œHis shield! Oh no!”
β€œWhy’s all the Avengers dying?!”
β€œThere’s only three friendly strong ones”
β€œIf Hulk comes he’ll be a big helper”
β€œHe’s beating the Avengers! Actually no one is beating the Avengers!”
β€œHe didn’t get snapped! *gasp at every new appearance* Black Panther! The Hawkeye! (She meant Falcon) Doctor Strange! OOO Spider-Man! Now there’s a bunch of people against a bunch of peopleβ€” of bad guys! I KNEW Ant Man was coming baβ€”aahhh now there’s a bunch of heroes and a bunch of bad guys but the Avengers are good together! Ahhhh Ant Man’s A Giant!”
(Iron Man hugs Spider-Man) β€œHe’s happy! I knew he was gonna be happy!”
β€œOh, No. Not another one! Wait. Who. Is. That?” *gasp* β€œCaptain Marvel! She’s the sist!” (aka assist)
β€œShe’s better thanΒ him.”
β€œHurt him! He has to take it off.”
β€œHe gonna snaaaβ€”that’s a fake one! I knew it.”
β€œThat’s cool. What did he do? *gasp* Thanos is gone!”
β€œOh, no. His suit. Oh, no.”
*she yawns at this moment and realizes how late it is and starts telling me about how great she is at staying up late, so the impact of the moment is a little lost here. But honestly, after seeing her break down over Black Widow, I’m okay with this. She was sad, but not as broken up by it as earlier*
β€œHawkeye gets to see his family again!”
β€œAnytime she wants to see her dad she can just see his recording! Oh, but she can’t talk with him.” *sad face*
β€œI’m sad about Black Widow. And Iron Man. They’re sad about their friends. All his friends are sad about him.”
β€œWhen he gets his cast off he can be back to being Hulk. Angry Hulk OR sweet Hulk.”
β€œWhy is Cap old?!”
*Cap dancing with Agent Carter*
β€œI KNEW that would happen!”
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